Wednesday, November 25, 2009

New Direction . . . And Not the Cardinal Kind

Caring and numerous followers,

Well, it's official. Since I've been blogging fairly inconsistently for over the past few month I think it's finally time to take this little social experiment to the next level.

I know, the Russians in the audience are all like, "No way, judging from his profile pic, he is way to dashing of a gentleman to actually get elected to the Cuban prime ministry." And I respond, neigh Russian with a distinctly British speech pattern. I will resign my candidacy for the Cuban Off White House, it is time to bring this blog into the twenthieth century.

Current events and other stuff like them but not necessarily of equal importance.

No, I will not include my personal feelings on any specific topic. I am going to try and be as objective as possible and just give you, the unappreciative reader, a non biased look into some of the country's and the world's most poignant mishaps, misproofs, and good stuff too.

No left wing tear jerking from this right wing political analyst to the country. No elephant here tromping all up and down the donkey of stupidity. No little sayings about politics that I have no context for or any understanding of what they actually mean.

This is a new and exciting journey. Come join me in space . . . the final frontier.


Friday, November 20, 2009

Is It Wrong?

Dearest walkabouters,

I find i do most of my inner ponderings whilst going for a walkabout, much like a bum. It is not different for the last journey I partook.

This will be short.

While walking back from retrieving a book from a classmate to write a paper till three in the morning, I stopped at the local Kum and Go. I purchased a FastBreak candy bar and started the trek back home. While crossing the street, keeping my distance from the lady crossing in the other direction because I have the outer appearance of a mass raper, I struck my opened candy bar against my leg. The chocolate delight fell from my grasp and landed EATEN SIDE DOWN in the middle of the street.

Now here's my question. Is it wrong that i bent down, blew off the dirt from the candy bar and continued to chomp without giving a second thought?

Thank you,

Monday, November 16, 2009

All Hope Is Gone

My dearest wanderers,

My hope in humanity has been lost. It is not that America is slowly decaying into what I can only imagine is the greatest socialist nation in the world. It is not that my bank funds jingle with the small amount of change left in them. It is that Game Stop has left me hanging.

After last week's midnight launch of Modern Warfare 2 I was ridiculously jacked to pick up my copy of another great killing game, Assassin's Creed II. I attended the midnight launch of one of my favorite games, and anticipated another great Tuesday morning splattering the blood of innocents. But nay, instead I am subdued to blogging my feelings for all the non caring masses to read and pity.

Heed my words internet fans. If my game is not in tomorrow morning at the promised ten o'clock, I may cease to waste my words on this infernal computer network.

Pity me,

The Hobo Hubub

Dear Stumbler,

I think you and I can agree. The world is way too complicated, and Billy had it right. The world IS a vampire. We can work one full hour at a minimum wage job so we can afford three oranges. We work two hours and can afford 500 pages for our printers. We work three hours and HEY, we have five gallons of gas to drive somewhere where we have to work twelve hours to pay for the food we eat!

Lets take a step back, devolve to a simpler creature, lose all worries the world piles on top of our over-burdened shoulders and become bums.

Look at these people. Have you seen anyone else in the world so damn happy? I doubt it (unless you know crack heads, and in that case, they are probably bums anyways, just to prove my point). Walking down the street today after yet another enjoyable Spanish class, I followed one of these creatures. Slowly slinking down the cracked sidewalk, this embodiment of self service and cigarettes was enjoying everything about life at that exact moment.

While I was contemplating my over loaded homework schedule, this magnificent human was wondering where he was going to walk for his afternoon stroll. I was thinking about joining the Army to pay the bills, and he was thinking about how great his Pall Mall's tasted.

I want to be that man. I want to forget the problems of an overactive, over-priced world and slowly stumble into my cardboard box, only to masturbate my problems away and wake up in the morning refreshed.

Maybe I'm insane. Maybe I'm a loser wannabe. Maybe I've lost ambition. Or maybe, JUST MAYBE, I'm a genius you all want to follow.

It's your call internet wanderers.

Thank you,

Monday, November 9, 2009

Stool-top Revelations

Dear stumbler,

Recently coming from a class where I have been surpassed on the intelligence level by four hundred thousandfold, I feel as if I have to justify my own mind to the uninterested masses.

I may not be able to hold full conversations with people, I may not be able to eat sturgeon escargot, I may not have the capabilities to devote my attention fully to anything for more than . . .

But I can have fanciful revelations while sitting boldly and proudly atop my vomit stained toilet.

Many people need to experience a shocking radicalization of self to purport a new stance on the meaning of life, love, and the pursuit of happiness. They have not the cognitive fortitude to search the self and discover that every moment in their existence is finite, infinitely done the moment the second has passed.

These people are fools. It takes not a horrific disemboweling of previously held stances. It requires not a revelation from the pages of a mystic book. It needs not the chance acquaintance of a terminally ill cancer patient telling you to ride bulls and venture forth into the wide world of skydiving. Just drop trow, take a seat atop your throne, wrench out a healthy drop of the shit you pack yourself full of, and look into it. Take a deep gaze into what you are truly constructed of, and realize that the blink you just squeezed out at your own ridiculousness is the last one you will have at that exact moment in time.

Your life will end, and you cannot change that. Make every blink count because it is the last one.


Sunday, November 8, 2009

I'm Here, and You're Welcome

Dear person who randomly stumbled upon this useless page,

So here's a question. If you're mind is packed full of stupid thoughts, you feel like you're ideas are the bee's knees, and you want everyone to know just how ridiculously smart you are, where do you put these thoughts so you can add to the pollution of mass media?

You guessed it, Facebook statuses.

But if you can't do that why not a blog?!!!

This is an experiment and an adventure into the inner workings of sociopathic, narcissistic, masochist. Come and join me on my journey to social approval and eventually becoming president of Cuba.

We can only do this together. I love you all . . . until you piss me off.
